Dr Tarek Amer Official Website

Surgical treatment

A lot of surgeries are described to treat facial paralysis. Only an expert in this field can choose what is suitable for each patient. One of the most important factors in determining the plan for facial reanimation is the time that had elapsed from the onset of paralysis

Medical treatment

Medical treatment is only described in early cases in which the cause is not due to trauma, tumor excision or any other causes of direct cut of the nerve. The medical treatment varies according to the cause of the paralysis but generally contains eye drops and lubricants to protect the eye.

The smile

The smile stays as one of the most distressing factor to patients of facial paralysis. Fortunately progressive improvements occurred in this field and led to achievement of the best possible smile.

Treatment of facial paralysis

Information mentioned here is just a hint about the methods of treatment of facial paralysis. Several methods of treatment of facial paralysis are available and the exact method suitable for treatment of each individual case can not be determined except after direct consultation of the facial nerve surgery expert.

Treatment of the upper eyelid

There are several ways to treat the upper eyelid, the commonest of which is implantation of gold plate in the upper eyelid. The weight of the gold will help the upper eyelid to close more efficiently. The gold is specially used because it is inert

Treatment of the lower eyelid

Several methods are available to treat the lower eye lid including lid shortening, suspension and tarsorraphy.

Dr Tarek Amer

Facial Nerve Surgery

Professor of Plastic and Microsurgery at faculty of medicine, Cairo University